
Air-Quality-Improvement-through-WtE (2)

Can Technology Improve Air Quality and Solve Toxic Air Pollution?

In a bid to combat the air pollution crisis, Delhi’s government has turned to technology through its Winter Action Plan. Measures include using drones, artificial rain, anti-smog guns, and dust suppression techniques. However, critics argue these strategies offer only temporary relief and fail to address the root causes of pollution. One of the more ambitious […]

Can Technology Improve Air Quality and Solve Toxic Air Pollution? Read More »

Global economic and digital decoupling in response to changing world order.

How the Changing World Order Drives Economic and Digital Decoupling

The global economy is going through many changes. Geopolitics, new technologies, and shifting investment methods are all playing a role. One of the big changes we are seeing is a move towards reducing dependence on other countries. This is often referred to as “decoupling.”  Decoupling means that countries are trying to become more self-reliant. They

How the Changing World Order Drives Economic and Digital Decoupling Read More »

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